Showing posts from September, 2018Show all
Scientists use algorithm to track whale sharks
China unveils Asia’s largest island-building vessel
Heat source under Antarctica melting its ice sheet, reports NASA study
Oldest evidence of life discovered in Australia
NASA launches advanced satellite to improve weather forecast
New study discovers that ‘flowing water’ on Mars may be sand and dust
ISRO to launch Aditya L-1 Mission to study the Sun in 2019
Pluto may have liquid water oceans, suggests NASA study
Researchers discover 300 fossilised pterosaur eggs
Jupiter’s Moon may have similar plate tectonics as Earth
Microbes found on ISS resembles homes on Earth: Study
NASA to launch GOLD, ICON Missions to explore nearest space
China launches two navigation satellites into space
Researchers discover smart solar windows that could produce electricity
Japan launches smallest rocket ever to carry tiny satellite into orbit
Space Department tasked to deliver 3 earth observation, 2 communication satellites by next fiscal